the arrangement

#rainbow, #elcajon, #itsadogslifesandiego

On Saturday morning, Dexter and Comet both were put-off that I weaseled out of their ritual early-morning walk at Mission Trails Park, not because of weather, and not because I was ill. I was going to meet the guys as was our routine, but then going to breakfast with one of the prayer-walkers – and our wives. Of course, I got the look from both of the dogs, so I made a promise to take them later in the day.

I know that my God instructs me that oaths and promises should NOT be made, unless they are intended to be kept (Proverbs 20:25; Matthew 5:33 (NIV) but I think these lessons are generally just between people. However as God intends his signs and wonders as promises to me, He also may expect me to follow suit.

Just happy to be dry

16 Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.”

Genesis 9:16
Dexter ponders mischief

So four hours later I came back out to Mission Trails Park and was surprised by the crush of visitors at that time. For all the Saturdays that I have been coming to the park, it has been right as the park opens. At seven o’clock there may be a few early-risers with their gear or their dogs. The parking lot is empty. Not so after noon.

A promise is a promise; I parked across the street. Ducking around the traffic barrier and passed the sign “Closed due to Storm hazard”, we chose the road less traveled.

The road less traveled (today)

And I am fortunate I did that Saturday. On Sunday morning before church, I took the dogs up my street for a little air and saw this rainbow. When making any covenant, especially on the rare weekend in San Diego that rivers flood, or rainbows arc, I need to follow through. You see, I have been asking for a little Heavenly direction on personal matters, and perhaps a little dog walk might just help my case.


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